Research, Policy and Practice
We work with other organisations to carry out in-depth research and increase our collective understanding of the links between homelessness, exclusion and health.

Street Discharge
Lived Experience
Policy & Legislation
Integrated Care
Diabetes Care
Emergency Care
Primary Care
Mental Health
Palliative Care
Digital Health Inclusion
Legal Advice
Pharmacists & Homelessness
Trauma Informed Care
Oral Health
Secondary Care
Intermediate Care
Inclusion Health Education & Training
Learning resources
November 2023
Inclusion Health Education Mapping and Review
Learning resources
April 2022
No-one left behind: Supporting people with complex needs on universal credit
Learning resources
March 2022
Integrated health and social care for people experiencing homelessness
Learning resources
December 2021
Risk mitigation for people experiencing homelessness following the rapid emergence of SARSCoV-2 Omicron variant
Learning resources
July 2021
Kerslake Commission – Pathway submission
Learning resources
March 2021
Best Practice Guidance – Lived Experience
Learning resources
January 2021
Experiences of being housed in a London hotel as part of the ‘everyone in’ initiative
Learning resources
January 2021
Guidelines for health-related street outreach to people experiencing homelessness
Learning resources
December 2020
New variant SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.1.7.) homeless sector response
Learning resources
September 2020
Covid19 and homelessness in England – policy briefing
Learning resources