Since 2015 Pathway has been working alongside partners from legal advice organisations to provide advice to homeless patients. Initially aimed at patients being supported by Pathway teams in London hospitals, a new phase of work has been expanded to make support available to a wider group of homeless individuals, including in mental health and specialist outreach settings. Thanks to some new funding, we opened up the service to our teams outside of London in 2022. 

Through the project, each participating healthcare team has access to specialist legal advice on housing, immigration and/or welfare via telephone or email. Specialists are on hand to deal with enquiries posed on behalf of patients by Pathway or other teams. Some of our providers can also take on cases, providing full legal casework to support patients with the more complex or time-consuming issues. 

Pathway is delighted to be working with our legal advice partners on this project who bring their expertise on housing, immigration, social care and welfare law to support some of our most vulnerable patients. Our legal partners are:

We plan to share patient stories, reports and articles on a regular basis – so keep checking back here for the latest news.

There is moral integrity in [continuing with] this project. Patients received help which would not have happened otherwise. We are able to reach the most vulnerable groups, help them and make them feel valued. Many have never felt this before. This project has the power to make real and positive change for patients.