Dr Zana Khan is the Lead GP for GSTT and SLaM Hospital Pathway teams. She has worked with Pathway since 2014. Zana continues to work in homeless and mainstream General Practice in Hertfordshire, teaching at King’s College and UCL Undergraduate Medical Schools, and as a GP appraiser in London and Hertfordshire. 

Before joining the KHP Pathway Homeless Team, Zana worked as an inner-city GP in South East London both in practice and Urgent Care, was a Foundation Trainee Clinical Supervisor and as a Clinical Editor for the BMJ. 

As a Clinical Fellow for Pathway, Zana is developing online learning and postgraduate education in Homeless and Inclusion Health with UCL. She was appointed an Honorary Senior Lecturer at UCL in October 2017 and at the same time reduced her clinical hours to focus on research, publications and education in the field of Homeless and Inclusion Health.  She lectures at conferences and teaches GPs, trainee GPs and junior doctors on Homeless and Inclusion Health as part of their running educational programmes. Zana has been awarded funding for a PhD, based in the new UCL CCIH on GP education in inclusion health. She is also a member of the Faculty Education Committee.