Dr Sarah Kaddour is a speciality registrar in Dental Public Health at Public Health England, London. Since graduating in 2010 from The University of Sheffield she has worked in both primary and secondary care within both General Dental Practice and Oral surgery as well as holding a research post in Oral Medicine. 

Sarah has worked across the London Deanery and supported several regional and national projects around carers and vulnerable groups and completed a Masters in Dental Public Health prior to her specialty training. Sarah has worked in a clinical capacity with the Crisis at Christmas Dental service and is now involved in piloting new charitable ventures lead by the DenTech charity. 

Sarah has a special interest in Homeless Health. She is currently the chair of London’s Homeless Oral Health Steering group and is part of a wider team exploring access to NHS dental and oral health promotion services. Sarah has also been involved in the public health COVID-19 response for the homeless, including working at the London Coronavirus Response Cell, COVID-19 vaccination and flu vaccination programmes.