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Sample content page

This page exists to demonstrate how content blocks on the Pathway website work. It is intended as a reference. For help understanding how to insert these blocks, there are multiple sources of information:

  1. Try editing this page in the WordPress admin. By inspecting the blocks on this page it should be easy to understand the names of particular blocks which will help you create them yourself
  2. Watch the training video. This outlines the main blocks used and explains how to insert/configure them
  3. Consult general WordPress training materials. The site uses the default WordPress block editor (a.k.a. Gutenberg) and there are many high quality training resources available for this online, including articles and video content. Try searching YouTube to find relevant information

My new heading

Some content goes here.

Using headings to structure your page

Inserting H2 headings will automatically create jumplinks in the “On this page” menu when used on pages. H2 is the highest level heading WordPress will allow you to insert. Why not H1? Because a page should only contain one H1 element and this has already been inserted for you automatically as the page title.

To keep the “on this page” menu tidy and clear, we do not insert links for lower level (e.g. H3, H4…) headings, though you are free to use these within the page to break down your content further.

Inserting images

Images be used to illustrate content or add additional information. A number of predefined image crops can be selected. Wide 2:1 crops work well with the design of the site and avoid images disrupting text content too heavily.

Image captions are optional but encouraged. Alternative (alt) text is required for accessibility reasons.

Setting images to ‘wide’ width gives them more prominence:

Signposting to other pages

While standard text links can be used to point to other pages, the site includes a ‘page signpost’ block that gives these links greater prominence. By default these blocks use the page’s existing title:

About us

However there is the option to override this, which will allow more engaging, contextualised titles to be written:

Learn more about Pathway’s history and future

Signposting to resources

Signposting to Pathway’s resources is a great way to make sure important work gets seen. The ‘resource signpost’ block allows us to do this in a clear way:

Research, Policy & Practice >

Video: Mo’s story

Resource titles can often lean towards being factual and descriptive rather then engaging. This makes sense when someone is browsing through the Research, Policy & Practice section looking for specific content relevant to their interests, but doesn’t encourage engagement when the content is seen elsewhere on the site.

As with the page signpost block, the title for these blocks is customisable, which means we can turn a simple title like “Video: Mo’s story” into something more engaging which flows with the content on the page and connects with what the reader is likely to be interested in:

Research, Policy & Practice >

Watch & learn: how our team helped Mo turn a corner

In addition to this simple resource signpost, there is an additional block which incorporates a quote. The “resource signpost with quote” block presents the resource link inside a prominently displayed quote and is designed to give the reader an understanding of the content that lies ahead, increasing engagement further:

There are lessons hear that we can all learn from – it’s a story that needs to be heard

A. Winks – Pathway team member
Research, Policy & Practice >

Hear Mo’s story

Signposting to news

Signposting to news articles is a great way of keeping ‘evergreen’ content visible across the site.

28th February 2023

‘A Student Healthcare Guide to Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness’

As with the previous examples, the title can be overridden. The date of the post can also be toggled on and off:

Read Sam’s guide for students

Generic signpost

There is also a generic ‘signpost’ block. This allows multiple links to be added and the title and description text are completely customisable. Multiple colour options are available.

Highlighting information

Key quotes can be highlighted using a quote block

This is a significant change

A. Provider

Quotes can also be larger – this is a design choice but is likely to suit shorter quotes better.

This is a hugely significant change

A. Provider

Key statistics within the text can be highlighted using a stat block. We recommend following the format shown below:


Our teams observed a 12% increase year on year

Information that is important can be highlighted in a coloured box. Multiple colour options are available.

Alex Bax
(+44) 020 123 4567

Condensing information

A details/summary block (a.k.a. accordion) is available for long information. This is particularly useful at making multi-stage processes easy to scan, and consideration of its use is encouraged whenever page content starts to feel overly long.

Stage 1. Inception

This is the first stage.

Stage 2. Implementation

This is the second stage.

Stage 3. Evaluation

This is the final stage.


Tables can easily be inserted:

Table captions are strongly encouraged

Tables can be styled as shown:


Linking to files/downloads

Please read our latest report to learn more.