The closing session of our annual conference yesterday was amended to give an update on the challenge of COVID-19.


Professor Andrew Hayward (UCL Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Inclusion Health) and Dr Al Story Clinical Lead, Find and Treat, produced this slide set.


We are sharing these slides so that organisations and individuals can start to think about what this virus will mean for their services and the people they help.


This is not official Public Health or NHS advice, this is still being prepared, but this is the latest available expert view from our colleagues.

The last three slides may need a bit more explanation:

–       A radical change in service delivery is likely to be necessary.

–       Outreach virus testing for all rough sleepers as they are particularly vulnerable.

–       Closure of no second night out to avoid kettling vulnerable and undiagnosed people together; but consider re-purposing NSNO for screening and triage. “Cohorting” means grouping into three categories:

o   Virus free – hotels or tent parks, with food, sanitation, support and “relaxed” policing of those with active drug and/or alcohol needs.

o   Covid-19 positive or suspected, but not severely ill – as above with enhanced monitoring.

o   Covid-19 positive and unwell will need community provision of nasal oxygen and pO2 monitoring with support and clear protocols for referral on to ICU if needed.


Making this all happen will require a radical step up in service planning and delivery, with serious system leadership and funding.