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All the latest articles, blogs and stories from the world of inclusion health.
25th August 2023

Moving Beyond Pockets of Excellence

Dee O’Connell, Pathway Head of Policy & Programmes, talks about our new report on Integrated Services for Inclusion Health, and the collaborative learning programme that produced it.

7th July 2023

What does the NHS mean to me?

Medical student Rowan Vick Maeer reflects on her studies, Inclusion Health, and the challenges facing the NHS.

5th July 2023

My biggest learning? The NHS is the people in it.

As we celebrate NHS75, Dr Chris Sargeant, Pathway Medical Director and Secretary to the Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health, reflects on his NHS and Inclusion Health journey.

10th May 2023

Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness in an Accident and Emergency Setting

Sam Dorney-Smith, Pathway’s Senior Nursing Fellow and Nursing Practice Lead, talks about the launch of a new E-Learning module.

3rd April 2023

Is the Duty to Refer really working to prevent homelessness?

As the Homelessness Reduction Act marks its fifth anniversary, Pathway Policy Officer Emily Page looks at the ongoing benefits and challenges presented by the Duty to Refer.

28th February 2023

‘A Student Healthcare Guide to Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness’

Medical Student and Pathway Fellow Samraj Bhullar explains why he developed this new E-learning module.

18th January 2023

“Winning this award confirms the trajectory we’re on”

The Pathway Partnership Programme was recently announced as the first prize winner of the London Homelessness Awards 2022. Our CEO, Alex Bax spoke with LHA about our plans for the future.

21st November 2022

“It can be a fight, it can be tough – but helping people in tough situations is why our team is here”

Danielle Williams, GP for the St George's Homelessness Inclusion Team tells us more about her role.

17th October 2022

“In just 10 years we’ve taken inclusion health from a made-up word to a core value of the NHS”

On his retirement, former Pathway Medical Director and Clinical Lead Dr Nigel Hewett offers his parting thoughts.

28th February 2022

How the Health and Care Bill can help people experiencing homeless and social exclusion

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