University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Pathway’s first team was developed in University College Hospital in 2009 by Dr Nigel Hewett and Nurse Trudy Boyce.  The team been working with homeless patients at UCH since autumn 2009.  The team now consists of Pathway homeless health nurse practitioner, Flo Cumberbatch and Care Navigator Co-ordinator Trudy Boyce, Josie Mavromatis, Pathway Senior Care Navigator, and Dr Tim Robson, Pathway homeless health GP.

The BMJ published a ‘Quality Improvement report’ showing the value of the work of our UCLH team in September 2012: ‘A general practitioner and nurse led approach to improving hospital care for homeless people’, available on the Pathway publications page. Professor Michael Porter of Harvard Business School has also reviewed the work of the team, judging the Pathway approach ‘a great example of value based healthcare.’  Both these papers are available on the Pathway publications page.

If you are a UCLH staff member seeking to refer a homeless patient the team are based in the discharge lounge (details on the intranet) or can be paged on pager number 5800.  If you work for a partner agency and would like to contact the team about a patient please email and the team will call you back.